Watchman Nee
a Seer of the Divine Revelation

Christian Faith

Watchman Nee fully believed and taught the scriptural, fundamental faith held by all true Christians. He believed in the divine inspiration of the Bible and that the Bible is God's holy Word. He believed that God is triune—Father, Son, and Spirit—distinctly three, yet fully one, co-existing and coinhering from eternity to eternity. He believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, even God Himself, incarnated as a man with both the human nature and the divine nature, that He died on the cross to accomplish redemption, that He rose bodily from the dead on the third day, that He ascended into heaven and was enthroned, crowned with glory, and made the Lord of all, and that He will return the second time to receive His followers, to save Israel, and to establish His millennial kingdom on the earth. He believed that every person who believes in Jesus Christ will be forgiven by God, washed by His redeeming blood, justified by faith, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and saved by grace. Such a believer is a child of God and a member of the Body of Christ. He also believed that the destiny of every believer is to be an integral part of the church, which is the Body of Christ and the house of God. These aspects of the Christian life are expounded in the following subsections.